I have a big and beautiful aquarium in my school library (where I am the librarian). Since the school closed, the fish (five little tetras of some kind, I think they are) have been hanging out in there alone, and the maintenance staff has been graciously feeding them for me every week. Today I was feeling like it was probably a nuisance for the staff to have to take on that responsibility - they are holding down the fort at the school during all of this. So, this morning I called and said I'd come over and pick up the fish and take them home, if that was cool. It was cool, and now I have five fish in my house. I've NEVER had fish in my house. Not when I was growing up, not as an adult. I really don't know what I am doing. In fact, last year was the first year that the aquarian was brought into the library, and through the course of the year, I think that over a dozen fish died because it turns out I am a terrible fish mother! Too much food, perhaps, or maybe when one f...