One of our school counselors is sending me beautiful library-themed affirmations every day of National Library Week (thanks, Kirsten!). This one I thought was brilliant. When I was working toward my MLIS (received in December of 2018), there were so many important conversations that were fascinating to engage in. We talked about tech and how it's making libraries evolve and redefine and re-evaluate. We talked about the inequities of access to information, among all communities, all over the world. But I think that one of the most intriguing conversations that I remember for me was around the idea that people/patrons have the right to information that is FALSE as much as they have the right to information that is TRUE. At first that sounds really weird. But what we were talking about, essentially, was interpretation. And context and how someone's environment and lifestyle and experience influences the information that they are engaging with. We talked about how it...
Tell your boys I says hi